一个可切换的组件实际上是包含了多个组件, 选择渲染其中某个组件的组件. 我们使用对象来将props的值和组件做上映射.
import HomePage from './HomePage.jsx';
import AboutPage from './AboutPage.jsx';
import UserPage from './UserPage.jsx';
import FourOhFourPage from './FourOhFourPage.jsx';
const PAGES = {
home: HomePage,
about: AboutPage,
user: UserPage
const Page = (props) => {
const Handler = PAGES[props.page] || FourOhFourPage;
return <Handler {...props} />
// The keys of the PAGES object can be used in the prop types to catch dev-time errors.
Page.propTypes = {
page: PropTypes.oneOf(Object.keys(PAGES)).isRequired